Click on each of the tabs for a reminder of each of the steps of the Big 6.
#1 Task Definition - What needs to be done?
Read the project instructions and the grading rubric very carefully.
Ask your teacher for help understanding what you have to do. If you don't ask, your teacher will think you know exactly what to do.
#2 Information seeking strategies - What resources can I use?
THINK before you go look for information. Where will you find it for this project? Library, classroom, experts, books, websites, videos?
#3 Location and Access - Where can I find the resources I need for this unit?
This pathfinder will help you access many of the resources you need. You can also look at the library's Visual Tab for the same resources in a different display.
#4 Use of Information - What can I use from the resources I found?
Now that you have the information, how will you use it?
Do you have to draw a picture, take notes, create a graph, make a mind map?
In this step you will also create your bibliography list. Do not wait for the end of the project to jot down the titles, authors, publishers, and URLs of the information you find!
#5 Synthesis - What can I make to finish the job? What does my teacher expect?
Here is where you'll put it all together. Look back at #1 and review the teacher expectations for the project. Read the grading criteria again. Do your best to show that you understand and can create new things with the information you researched.
#6 Evaluation - How will I know I did my job well?
The answer is simple, read the grading rubric or checklist your teacher gave you.