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Grade 5 Science and Tech Development: Computing

Access to databases

To access the databases listed, you will need to log in. Links to our databases and their login credentials can be found on the library catalog's home page. Log in there with your CAC single-sign-on username and password, or using the Quick Login. If you do not know the Quick Login, contact your librarian. 

Non-fiction from our library collection

These are a few titles from our ES Library.  You may also want to look up "computers" in the library catalog.

TED Talks

Jeremy Howards explains how computers can learn, and what it means to us as a human race.

You might also like, A 30-year History of the Future. Over the last 30 years, Nicholas Negroponte consistently predicted many of the computer innovations that we all know now.

Useful webpages and websites

Useful database articles

Infographic: How Our Machines Got Smart