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Grade 6 Historical Fiction Research: Pearl Harbor

Find resources on different historical periods to help you write powerful historical fiction.

Non-fiction from our library collection

These are a few titles from our collection. Find more by entering "Pearl Harbor" in the main search field of the library catalog.

Useful database articles

The attack on Pearl Harbor made the US decide to join World War II. It also led the government to declare the need to imprison all Japanese descendants in the United States. You may want to also look at the Japanese internment tab on this page. 

Picture books from the library collection

There are no fiction picture books specifically about the Pearl Harbor attack in the ES library. However, this book from that collection may be of use, as it is first hand stories from people who were there, both Japanese and American. 

The picture books listed are about the Japanese internment that happens as a result of the attack. More information on the Japanese internment tab on this page.